Monday, June 8, 2009

A twister...A twister!

We came home from a trip last night to the aftermath of a Tornado in our neighborhood!  What???  It was insane!  We got a call on the road from the Gomez's with the scoop, so we when drove in we had to drive around to see the mess!  It was crazy!  Trees down, our mall shut down,  houses with siding gone, trampolines and swing sets EVERYWHERE!  It was so eerie!  Dan's car was outside and the hail had a party all over it!  Our neighbor told us we were lucky because his trampoline would have gone through our house, but it got stuck and was dangling on his gutter!  Phew...that was a close call!  The Warnick's took this twister picture during Sacrament Meeting at our church!  Nuts I tell ya...

The trees in our neighborhood down and out!
Anyone missing a swing set a tarp?  Cuz we found it, around our tree!

That is some serious Hail!
Kennedy holding a sign to the Southlands Mall - you can see the mall in the background!  
Southlands shut down!

Between the Hail and the Helicopters...we were freakin out!


Meredith Haag said...

Someone told me that your car was hit pretty hard!
Did you see the Kirby's blog? Seriously?! I'm so glad everyone is ok!

Kandis said...

That is CRAZY!!! Tornadoes scare the crap out of me, especially when the sirens start going off. Good to hear you were all okay!

Jackie said...

Yikes!! Was anybody in your area hurt?

Scary stuff.

Heidi said...

Glad you are all ok!!! Crazy tornados! I'll keep my hunderd degree plus heat thank you very much!

Mindy Williams said...

Yea, we were smart enough to run out of church and drive TOWARDS the storm to our house as we had left our windows open. then we discovered our trampoline was no longer in our backyard. Instead it was wrapped around and thru the railing of our neighbors deck 2 houses away. Lovely. Our little car took a beating too, but you know what, we are all safe! That's what matters!

the meyersons said...

I can't get over the hail. Looks like it could knock you right out.