Thursday, May 10, 2007


K, for those of you out there that watch LOST, are you as confused as I am? I watched it twice because Dan hadn't seen it and I am still wondering what the heck is going on. What the heckaroonie is the deal with Loch's dad being there...why have they found the plane in tact on the bottom of the ocean...why is Ben so creepy and did you notice the guy playing his dad is the creepy uncle from Napoleon Dynamite? Give me your thoughts and let's see if we can figure this all out!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap that IS Uncle Rico.

I'll admit I'm a little LOST myself.


Jackie said...

I'm Lost because I've only ever watched it twice.

If all else fails, assume Uncle Rico is a murderer. Just seems like the most likely option.

the meyersons said...

Hey Jack...actually Unlce Rico is the father of a murder.

See what happens when you assume?

Let's pray you don't get jury duty.

Anonymous said...

I'm only confused about Jacob. I discussed it over at my page.