Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uhh...he made bread from SCRATCH?!!!

I left one night for a Youth Temple trip and was gone for about 3 hours.  When I came home I was tired and hungry...aaaaaaand I smelled something amazing as I walked in the door!  My sweet hubby had something in the oven.  He decided about a year ago he likes to cook and makes some yummy things, but this knocked my socks off!  He went to our food storage and opened up the wheat...ground it down in to flour, made the dough, raised it and cooked it!  He jumped up when I walked in and cut me a piece and slapped some butter on it for me.  
I was almost too stunned to eat it!  
(sorry no pictures of the final product-it's in my belly)
Amazing Dan strikes again!
Who what else can you make?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Luke only one thing to say here pal...MOTHER knows best! as I was leaving for YW a few nights ago I told the kids to please stop playing on the stairs because I was leaving.  Luke was snowshoeing at school the next day and I didn't want him to get hurt!  I said, "You don't want to break something and miss snowshoeing do you?"  Hmmm...

Well...he DID hurt himself (possible broken ankle).  He is walking on crutches (totally thinks he is cool by the way) He missed his school party and snowshoeing!  Not so fun spending a Saturday building snowmen on your knees is it pal?  

If you have seen the movie tangled you will know the words to Mother Knows BEST! !  I sang it to him and he wasn't thinking it was as funny as I was.  Love you anyhow Luke!

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's a SNOW DAY!

 We had such a craaaaazy week here in Denver!  When I picked the kids up from school they were screaming with delight that school was canceled the next day!  What?  Sweet!   We were getting some serious below zero temps and ended up having 2 days off!  Lazy days with breakfast at 10 are my kind of days!  Playing games and laying around - giddy up!

Noah spent FORever with the snowblower this week!  He did our driveway and half the neighborhood!
Proud daddy...passing on the torch of the snow removal process!  (i love doing it, but he thinks the boys should do it. - whatever mortensen)
We laughed so hard at all of Reagan's outfits.  I think we added 3 different layers in 10 minutes!

The kids had a blast iceskating down the driveway!
Rylee loved eating the snow until Noah told her to check for yellow chunks.  Why are boys so disgusting?  Why?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Check it out!

So I still am waiting to update so I can do pictures!  My sister just posted this and I had share it because it makes me so darn happy!

Rylee getting her ears pierced with her cuz!  Never will forget it!

Check it out here!